While a myriad of languages can be used in the English alphabet, there may be specific characters and accent letters that must be utilized. Consider the Spanish "ñ" for instance. The majority of Spanish words can be written using English letters, certain characters require accents or, in this instance, an apostrophe or the tilde.
So, how do you add any of these unique characters or accent letters when working in Word? There are many ways to do this based on your personal preferences. The first one is rather awkward and time demanding, but could be perfect for people who have a difficult time remembering the key shortcuts. The second alternative could require some time to master; however, it will boost your writing time dramatically once you've mastered it.
You can open the Microsoft Word document and then follow these easy and quick steps for inserting the symbol. As mentioned above, this isn't the fastest or easiest method of inserting characters; however, it is a great option for those who require a particular character at times.
Special characters, accents, and letters
If the previous option was too laborious and time taking, then this could be the one for you. It will require memorizing several key combinations. Once you've got the basics down, you shouldn't face any issues adding it to your regular typing abilities.
Microsoft Word has built-in key combinations that automatically include the letter you require. For instance, if you want to add an ñ, all you'd have to do is hold and press Ctrl, Shift, and ~ then let them go, and then quickly press the "n" key.
If you would like your characters to be uppercase, then press the Caps Lock key prior to entering your keystroke.